Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ronald Weinland: The Prophet Who Talks More About the Past Than the Future

A Prophet’s Log (Flush)
The Body of Christ Pt 3 (Summary)
Countdown: 726 Days
Remaining Sabbaths: 104
Fulfilled Prophecies: 0
Ron’s Death Toll: 0

Speaking from the U.K false prophet Ronald Weinland enjoys another vacation at the expense of his flock.

Some are murmuring about how money is used by God’s End Time prophet.

Ron points out the blessing of early sermon revealing the 50th *Yawn* truth. He claims Thunders getting louder and louder. Maybe we can have Feast of Tabernacles next year too(!) Ron gets dumbfounded.

Cool video of the week

Tick Tock.

Your time runs short, Ron Weinland. Judgment day is coming.
Dill Weed


todd said...

i just played with the pull my finger guy....too funny.
gotta be more interesting than listening to rw....LOL

Kirrily XPKG said...

Ooooooooo, the members are concerned about the use of money hey? Hehehehe, I think they should be a LOT more worried about other things..... Like, following an insane lying false prophet.

Thanks again Dill for your post.

J said...

There needs to be a dumbfounded drinking game. Each time he says dumbfounded, down a shot.

I would say also to take a shot each time he blasphemes, but that would result in hospitalization.

angel said...

They're murmuring about how he's using their money? Hooray! Their brain waves haven't flatlined - there's hope for them yet!

I'm tempted to start using the word "dumbfounded" alot; if we all started saying it as much as he does maybe it would start driving HIM crazy and he'd quit abusing that word.