Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ronald Weinland: We've Been This Way Before...

A Prophet’s Log (Flush)
Reviewing the Curse Pt 1(Summary)
Countdown: 565 Days
Remaining Sabbaths: 74
Fulfilled Prophecies: 0
Ron’s Death Toll: 0

False prophet Ronald Weinland spoke from a Providence, RI hotel this Sabbath. He announced the death of another elder. So far, his elders seem more susceptible to the Grim Reaper than those he has cursed.
Ron reviewed the Curse… Blah, blah, blah, blah…. Ron managed to avoid prophesying once more.

The Curse of Ronald Weinland?

Cool video of the week

Tick Tock.

Your time runs short, Ron Weinland. Judgment day is coming.
Dill Weed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

74 weeks to go .....

That means there would have to be a lot of turmoil in a short time. .. Oh, actually there is... its Rons spirit revealing the realization he's not who he thought he was... I can feel the tremors from here!