A Prophet’s Log (Flush)
Magnifying the Good News (Summary)
Countdown: 298 Days
Remaining Sabbaths: 38
Fulfilled Prophecies: 0
Ron’s Death Toll: 0
False prophet and Spokesman Witness Ronald
Weinland spoke from Toronto, ONT this Sabbath. Ron may be suffering post traumatic memories of his flight from Canada after speaking at
Ron has new posts on his website claiming the financial catastrophe that will lead to America’s downfall and occupation by German forces has BEGUN! Ron’s knickers are in a bunch as he posted twice in a week after having been silent most of the time. Surely, God has given Ron some hot stock tips and other financial advice. It might be time to rev up
Internet advertising. Ron claims real FEAR is coming. No doubt there are financial troubles, but the
Internet, TV and newspapers have been on this ages before False Prophet Ron.
We can all be happy that another week has passed bringing us closer to Ron’s forced announcement that he is not just a ‘presumptuous’ prophet, but a false prophet. And not just a false prophet, but a liar who claimed his books were ‘inspired’ by God. Already, Ron has backpedalled from his ‘inspired’ writing by dropping into the middle of a sermon that “some of the prophecies he made were just put in there to confound mockers.” Ron never specified what those prophecies were. So just what parts of Ron’s ‘inspired by God’ books are to be believed?
More Truths reviewed.
*yawn* Blah, blah, blah, blah….
Blabbity, blah, blah. The mind… Blah, blah, blah, blah…. The world is a terrible place… Blah, blah, blah, blah….
We’re one week closer to Ron’s forced admission that he is a false prophet!
Dillweed, Jr. as he imagines himself and the reality.
Cool video of the week.....
Number 1 and
Number 2
Tick Tock.
The Andrew G. slide rule correction for cats who can't subtract very well... 292 days and 42 Sabbaths remain.
Your time runs short, Ron
Weinland. Judgment day is coming.
Dill Weed