Our Journey of Faith Pt. 6 (Summary)
Countdown: 901 Days
Remaining Sabbaths: 129
Fulfilled Prophecies: 0
From Erie, PA today God’s apostle, End Time prophet and spokesman Witness speaks and reads from an old magazine article.
Ron notes that new people keep joining. (Dang!) And then that people wise up and leave. (Yeah!)
Benjamin sent an email out stating why he left. Maybe it will surface.
Ron says nothing justifies leaving the Truth. Ron worries about members losing interest in his sermons. (Too late for that, knucklehead.)
Ron notes that we’re in a lull – nothing is much is happening 1 year into the Great Tribulation.
Ron promises profound news about the thunders, but you have to be able to see it. (Hmm)
Ron speaking of truths he reveals - you don't have the right to question the truth. You have to prove it to yourselves. When people start asking questions its not to long before Ron gets exposed. (Hee-hee)
Ron announces a February fast. He states the following year will be "dumbfounding".
He remarks on the ministers he cursed to die quickly from within who haven't died yet that it is coming in "God's time." (Which appears not to be quickly at least.)
When will the 2nd Trumpet sound? Ron doesn’t know.
When will the economy of the US crash once and for all? Ron doesn’t know.
When will the things of the 1st Trumpet occur? Ron doesn’t know.
Ron hints it might be a year until they happen.
Why is God keeping his End Time apostle, prophet and Spokesman Witness in the dark? Is Ron guilty some secret sin, perhaps the sin of pride that he rails about so frequently? Has he lost God’s favor perhaps with his presumptuous predictions?
Tick Tock.
Your time runs short, Ron Weinland. Judgment day is coming.
Dill Weed
He remarks on the ministers he cursed to die quickly from within who haven't died yet that it is coming in "God's time." (Which appears not to be quickly at least.)
When they finally die of old age he will most certainly take credit.
Will he change the title of his book to GFW 2010?
We've gone from everything written in GFW will prove Ron is who he says he is, ...to "I don't know."
Ron's a prophet, but yet doesn't prophesy - mmmmmmm WTF??
"Er, I dunno"
"Ron notes that we’re in a lull – nothing is much is happening 1 year into the Great Tribulation."
1 Year?
Now if I remember correct this whole debacle started in April of 2008 and that makes it 1 Year and 7 months, well over 45% of the whole. Yes Ron changed this in his own mind but that is not what the book states! In fact in the same book he wrote he would not change things, ever! So his clock started in April of 2008 and his "g"reat Tribulation is nothing of the kind. It's been a tepid tribulation and that kind of thing happens throughout history. Tick-Tock is darn right, his time is almost half over for if you allow him to change the time rules he will ever do so... so I suggest keeping the written one, the one in the book he still so proudly toutes.
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